Got a tag team?

Like a plant always grows towards the sun, in what way do you turn towards or allow that which will help you grow or even heal?

The geese in the pond behind my house just had their chicks. It's been so incredible to watch the process up close. For the first few weeks,  Momma Goose sat on the nest on a small island in the middle of the pond. She did not budge from the nest.  Daddy Goose hung out on the outskirts, close by, keeping watch from a distance.  The day the chicks hatched, I knew something was up because all of a sudden Daddy Goose was right there on the island with Momma Goose.  Then, I saw them. Tiny, tiny little yellow fuzz balls with legs.

Watching them, I just can't help but feel that there is such a deep message here, direct from Mother Nature herself. These geese intuitively know how to work together to protect their vulnerable chicks. When they move, Momma Goose is in front.  After her, the chicks line up.  Daddy Goose brings up the rear.  Flanked in this way, the chicks' odds of surviving are greatly increased. It occurred to me that that's exactly it!  We need to have some version of our own tag team! Some version of a wiser, older, more mature part that of ourselves that oversees and makes sure the more vulnerable, less mature parts have time and the protective circumstances to grow. When we have an injury, feel overwhelmed, stressed, or run down, these are the times when we’re most vulnerable to injury.  I'm thinking that getting a cranial sacral therapy session or massage is a bit like being part of the tag team-it's a supportive circumstance. The body can rest, restore, and better move towards whatever its embodied purpose is. Or in the case of a plant or tree, move towards the sun.  I’d venture to say we definitely could use all the conducive circumstances we can create in our lives, especially these days!!! What does your tag team look like? 


Patti Smith inspires deeper gratitude.